Item Number 20
〜絵柄に込められた思い〜 日本の絶滅危惧種シリーズ [ゲンゴロウ] かつては水田、池、沼等身近な所にいて、源五郎という和名からもわかるように親しまれていた水生昆虫ですが農薬、水質汚染、開発等生息環境の破壊によりその数は激減し、日本にいる130種類ほどのゲンゴロウ科の内、数種類は絶滅危惧種に指定され、危機的状況にあります。
[Gengoro (Japanese Water Beetle)] Gengoro, a Japanese water beetle is a kind of aquatic insets living near the people, such as in water-laden paddies, ponds and bogs. Its Japanese name “Gengoro” (one of man’s names) shows how familiar it has been to Japanese people. However, recently, its population has greatly decreased due to destruction of habitats caused by pesticides, water pollution, or developments. In fact, several kinds of them among 130 kinds in total living in Japan are designated as an endangered species and are now in a critical situation.〜絵柄に込められた思い〜 日本の絶滅危惧種シリーズ [ゲンゴロウ] かつては水田、池、沼等身近な所にいて、源五郎という和名からもわかるように親しまれていた水生昆虫ですが農薬、水質汚染、開発等生息環境の破壊によりその数は激減し、日本にいる130種類ほどのゲンゴロウ科の内、数種類は絶滅危惧種に指定され、危機的状況にあります。
[Gengoro (Japanese Water Beetle)] Gengoro, a Japanese water beetle is a kind of aquatic insets living near the people, such as in water-laden paddies, ponds and bogs. Its Japanese name “Gengoro” (one of man’s names) shows how familiar it has been to Japanese people. However, recently, its population has greatly decreased due to destruction of habitats caused by pesticides, water pollution, or developments. In fact, several kinds of them among 130 kinds in total living in Japan are designated as an endangered species and are now in a critical situation.
Review Count | レビュー件数 | 2件 |
Review Average | レビュー平均 | 5(5点満点) |
Shop Name | ショップ | 麿紋 楽天市場店 |
Price | 商品価格 | 4,290円(税込み) |